How to Prioritze Rest | Part 2

How to Prioritze Rest | Part 2

“Be still and know that I am God…”Psalm 46:10

Welcome back for REST Part Two: Emotions and Thoughts

I hope everyone has been successful at implementing physical rest into their lifestyles. Now let us look at how this verse connects to rest and learning how to still our emotions and thoughts. Once again, I will use myself as a prime example. I am self-employed, therefore I am fully responsible for earning my own living and my job is to care for other individuals holistically. Talk about pressure and a recipe for lies and fears to fester. However, the Lord has intervened with His truth. He showed me that this verse is a call to anchor self once again in my identity as a child of God, remembering who He is and His character no matter what the external or internal circumstances.  This is the reason self help books are beneficial for people because they are reflecting the heart of God by encouraging you to make healthy lifestyle decisions and leading you to value who God created you to be. I can hear you saying, “OK Laura, that’s great, but how do I practically answer the call to rest emotionally and mentally?” I’m so glad you asked. Here are two ways that I bring my thoughts and emotions into a place of rest and stillness:

1. Practicing Gratitude/Thankfulness

When we reflect on the things we actually do have instead of obsessing about what we do not have yet, our emotions come into a place of contentment and calm. Usually, when you begin to list out things you are thankful for, you realize that you have more than enough. I recommend keeping a Thankfulness Journal that you record two or three things that you are thankful for as you reflect on your day. I also like to use this type of journal to identify moments that God revealed His character to me or where I operated in part of my identity in Christ. By practicing this, my relationship with God has become more real and intimate.

2. Declaring Life

Hey world, guess what? It is ok to be optimistic about life circumstances. It breeds hope. It cultivates the courage to pursue change in one’s life under the most severe situations.  It is a beautiful thing to encourage and we need more optimism/hope in this world. Declare positive statements into every area of your life. For examples: Today is going to be a good day! I am beautiful! I can’t control everything, but I will choose to be kind to myself and others today! Say you make a mistake at work and you have the thought “I’m stupid and a failure.” Once you realize that thought, change it into a life giving statement: “I am smart and capable of succeeding.”  Your emotions might struggle to catch up to your life giving declarations. That is normal. You are literally changing your brain chemistry when you declare life over yourself and your circumstances. Maybe I will address all the physiological reactions that happen in your body when you declare life over yourself in a future blog. But for now you can just take my word for it.

Challenge: Speak life, encouragement, kindness, gratitude, and love and watch how your life begins to transform. I double dog dare you!!!!
Stay tuned for REST Part 3 in which I will address spiritual rest. Thanks for reading!

How to Prioritize Rest | Part 3

How to Prioritize Rest | Part 3

How to Prioritze Rest | Part 1

How to Prioritze Rest | Part 1